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How We Celebrate Easter in Austria

On Good Friday, we are going to look at how the holiday is celebrated across this ancient Catholic country. Traditionally, Catholics make Palmbuschen, which are large bouquets from willow twigs and foliage decorated with ribbons and apples, which are brought into church and blessed to commemorate Jesus in Jerusalem.

Easter eggs are a big deal in Austria and there are two kinds of Easter eggs: the decorative ones and the chocolate ones. The decorated ones are real eggs that will be hung on windows and plants after being painted. One popular way to decorate is to attach some small flowers on the surface of the eggs before being painted, and then remove the flower to reveal the patterns beneath.

Easter Eggs

Apart from Easter eggs, food is also another important part of holiday traditions. Reindling is a traditional Easter cake originally from Carinthia. Reindling can be both sweet and unsweet. It tastes good with jam and butter while it was served with Carinthian Easter meal of ham, smoked sausages and eggs a long time ago.

We would be very happy to introduce this special Austrian dessert to you in the near future! Stay connected with us to receive our new products' information.

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(Photos from Internet)

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